Good Times In First

Monday, July 30, 2012

Guilty Pleasure Linky Party
1. Just like Ashley... The Real Housewives shows are my number one guilty pleasure! I know they are crazy but I feel like those gals are my crazy friends! In real life, I hate drama and confrontation. Maybe that is why I like it so much? LOL Plus, Andy Cohen is a hottie!

2. Diet Coke... I love it! I really do. HOWEVER, I am a recovering DC addict! I have been diet coke free for 3 weeks and four days. But who is counting right? haha I am trying to be healthier so I quit! I am too ashamed to admit how many I drank a day! Even though I am not drinking them now, just the thought of drinking one and feeling the burn down my throat makes me happy!

3. Target's Dollar Spot..... I don't know why I love just looking a pure junk but I do! I can walk away with nothing or 50 bucks worth of dollar deals and it makes me happy!

4. The worst one for sure.. I love watching Toddlers and Tiaras. (one of my kiddos got when hooked on it) I know it's watching BAD PARENTING at its finest but I just can't help myself! Same thing goes for Dance Moms! (see I do have a problem)

5. My newest is Maybooks. I have said goodbye to ugly notebooks for good! Check them out at
This is a pic of one of mine!
Now go link up!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The List .... Oh my!

Tomorrow is the big day! I will get my class list! I am so exited to see who my new babies are! I am also eager to see who will be teaching my baby! She has wanted to be in my teaching partner's room since she was old enough to talk! Can't wait...
This year we will pick up our list in the school office. I am curious. How do you get your list? Please share!

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Versatile Blogger

Thank you Amy at 

Here are my SEVEN randoms....

1. I have an adorable yorkie named Lulu... Here is a pic of her making sure she was going to the beach with me this summer.. No worries she went!
2. I took Blue Dragon Kung Fu in college at OleMiss.. Hotty Toddy... Be afraid be very afraid LOL!

3. I am deathly afraid of snakes.. Can't handle it!

4. I am a proud member of Junior Auxiliary of New Albany! Junior Auxiliary is a community organization that helps children and adults. JA's motto is Care today.... Character tomorrow! So true!
5. I recently gave up drinking Diet Coke.... Let's see if I make through the first 2 weeks of school Diet Coke free.

6. I love women's small group Bible studies.. right now my group is working on Beth Moore's Revelations!

7. I am a Bravo junkie! I love all of the Real Housewives Shows! I my beginning quote ready if they ever film in the Sip!

Versatile Blogger Award:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. (check)

2. Include a link to their site. (check)

3. Include the award image in your post. (check)

4. Give 7 random facts about yourself. (check)

5. Nominate 5-10 other bloggers, include their link, and let them know. (check)

Here are my nominations...
1.        2.

3.        4.

5.             6.

7.         8.

Check out this giveaway.... so fab!

Newbie Linky Party

 Third Grade is the Place For me Started this neat little linky party.. check it out and link up!

1.  Mississippi

    2.  First Grade inclusion room
    3.  Starting my 13th year! ( I  know I look Way to young to have been teaching that long!) LOL
    4.  This month---- total newbie!
    5.  I need tips! I am struggling... so far what I have found helpful is talking to other bloggers. Don't be afraid to ask a blogging question! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Check out this awesome giveaway.. Hoot Hoot!

Linky Party!!!

1. I am a Bravo Junkie! I love to watch The Real Housewives of ..... Orange County, Beverly Hills, NYC, ATL, and New Jersey! I feel like they are part of my circle!

2. I have a total crush on Andy Cohen! Love Him!

3. I am a brand new blogger! I know blog is bare! :( I am trying to figure it out! I have been a blog stalker/junkie for about 2 years! I thought it was time to become one!

4. Every time I sing Karaoke... which isn't often my friends and I ALWAYS sing... You Don't Have to Call me Darlin David Allen Coe!

5. I love to dance.. especially to big haired cover bands! Whooop! Whoop!

6. I am against the use of ugly notebooks! I adore my May Books! Check them out! Here is ONE of mine....

7. I LOVE first grade with all my heart! This year will be extra special because my gal will be a firstie! This is us last year....

8. I graduate from Ole Miss! Hotty Toddy Go REBS!

9. I love the beach and would love to retire there one day!

10. I worked at Victoria's Secret in management during my first few years of teaching! I almost quit teaching to work there full time! So Glad I didn't! I've had  a great 12 years in First!

11. Now it is your turn! Go on.. head to Amy's and link up! Follow my blog before you do though.. I promise I'll get better! 

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Well, I have worked some in my room each day this week! After FOUR days, I finally got my furniture arranged and my desk cleaned out! Now, I have to reorganize and decorate. I  am starting the Daily Five and Cafe in my classroom this year! So I am trying to figure that out as well! School starts Aug 2nd with Meet the Teacher that night! Getting nervous! Hope to post pics and get my Pinterest projects going next week!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

 Check out this amazing give away and awesome blog!

Monday, July 16, 2012

This is a photo of the disaster I have on my hands! Link up and show your before pics of your classroom! I know it will be a DRAMATIC difference in a week!

 Check out this fabulous blog and awesome contest! Whoop Whoop!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hi Ya'll!

I am so excited to finally start my blog! It has been harder than I thought to figure it all out! I decided to start my own blog after a few friends called me the "Blog Queen"! I have enjoyed reading many blogs over the past year. Now, it is time for me to join in... 

I will start my 13th year teaching first grade for the very district I student taught at! Time has flown by! I graduated from the University of Missisippi (Ole Miss) with both a bachelor's and Master's degree! I am a National Board Certified Teacher too! I absolutely LOVE first grade! I have been in an inclusion classroom for the past five years! This school year will be extra special for me because my daughter will be a firstie! I hope we share many first grade memories! In fact, she is going with me to start setting up my classroom this week! Fun times ahead!



Friday, July 6, 2012

Hop on over and check out this amazing blog and fantastic contest!
 Check out this amazing contest!  This teacher has amazing things on tpt too... check it out!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Eberhart's Explorers: A BIG giveaway with Big Event Fundraising

Eberhart's Explorers: A BIG giveaway with Big Event Fundraising: Hey friends! I know what you're thinking...ANOTHER GIVEAWAY? That's right, I have teamed up with Big Event Fundraising to offer you a prize ...

Check it out!!!!!